Working Green / Saving Green

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Working Green / Saving Green

We have a long history of finding ways to run our chrome plating company more efficiently. But we never thought of it as being “sustainable” or “green,” we just thought it was the right way for a smart company to operate.

This commitment has led to some great results for both our company and our customers:

Reductions in Materials Waste:

  • 50% reduction in waste from material over usage—Thanks to weekly process reviews by the RPW Quality Improvement Team and a Green Belt project run by RPW’s four Green Belts.
  •  80% cut in start-up waste product—By switching to a 24 hour/day continuous production schedule.
  •  $1 million in reduced metal shrinkage costs—Because of our work with Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Lean Manufacturing Team.
  • $200,000 reduction in nickel waste through process improvements—Thanks to the efforts of our four Six Sigma Green Belts.
  • $20,000 decrease in utility use—With 24 hour/day continuous production schedule.
  • 100% commitment to 0% landfill waste—Our conscientious materials management means that RPW is keeping materials out of the waste stream. It also means we’ll never have to worry about the expense or hassles of being part of a Superfund cleanup.

Reductions in Energy Costs and Emissions:

  • 30% drop in plant energy costs—With 24 hour/day continuous production schedule.

On-Staff Six Sigma Greenbelts

Six Sigma is an internationally recognized tool for minimizing defects and variability in manufacturing and business processes. RPW embraced Six Sigma in  2009 and since that time we’ve achieved impressive improvements in both waste reduction and product quality excellene.

Customer Educational Seminars

Our customers are our partners and the better you understand our business, the better we can work together to increase product quality while driving down product costs. More than 100 local businessses owners, engineers, designers, buyers, sales staff and more have attended one of our regularly scheduled Plating Education seminars.

Contact your rep today to attend our next program.

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